Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Kitchen construction
The new kitchen is slowly but surely pushing forward. We've added cabinets, a new refrigerator, microwave, oven (a double oven even!), a few tiles, and, one of my dad's favorite things, energy saving lights!! Yes, we're going (slightly) green! Now, I can't tell you all about these light bulbs, though I've heard it from my dad many a time, but apparently, for just a little more money spent on the bulbs, we're getting a brighter room, using MUCH less energy, and, ultimately, saving on our electric bill! (Yes, he is very proud of himself ;-)
Our kitchen is now at least semi functional, the "kitchenette" in the foyer is gone, and we've begun to see the light at the end of the tunnel...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Zimbabwe...Here I Come!!

D and T were team leaders on my first trip to Africa (Kenya) back in 2007. They are the first two on the left.
So, there it is; heading to Zimbabwe, shouldn't be too surprising; Have you ever known me to be one to stay in one place for too long?
As the trip approaches, I will be in communication with the workers down there to see what they may need as far as supplies, or simple comforts from home. Let me know if you would like to be involved in collecting those things for them! Other than that, I invite you to begin speaking with me for the people and my time down there. Stay tuned; more to come!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
So, I thought I'd give a look at just what is in all those pockets nurses have....well, what's in a nursing student's pockets at least...
And the daily list includes:
- stethoscope
- bandage scissors
- clamps
- alcohol wipes
- sharpie (for labeling bandages)
- pen light
- pad of paper
- pens (black of course, and at least 1 backup)
- cell phone
- watch
- medical tape
- calculator (for calculating med dosages)
- ID badges
- Vick's vapor rub (lol, to put on your nose for smelly rooms ;-)
- tic tacks (same reason)
- chapstick
- extra gloves
- RN notes (everything you need to know about labs, tests, meds, vitals, etc...)
- hand sanitizer
- extra hair tie
- and (not pictured) things you may pick up in the hospital depending what floor you're on like stickers, bandaids, syringes, needles, saline, thermometer, diapers, and the list goes on and on...)
and see, we don't even look like we're toting that much! (this is from lab last semester)
Nurses and their pockets; we're ready for anything! Ok, they're ready for anything and I will be...give it a year or two ;-)