I went into nursing for a reason, didn't I?
What was it again....
Blood is pretty cool
Scrubs are comfy
I love learning all the intricate ins and outs of the human body...HE is so creative!
I'll always have a job
I can work almost anywhere with it
but there was the reason....right?
oh yeah:
To show HIS love with all my passion
Tests are stressful
I don't get much sleep
I have to study all the time
I don't' get to go out as much as I would like
I'm addicted to coffee
Nursing students get all the dirty work at clinical
Through it all I've already begun to lose sight of the reason. A weekend away on my sorority retreat has helped put it back into perspective; I chose a major, a profession, that He has gifted me in, in order to: bring glory to HIS name! And so off I go, one more week, trying to show love through the studying, the stress, the bed baths, the diaper changes, the busy work, the sleepless nights, and yes, even the massive amounts of coffee consumption (well, we'll see if I can figure that one out ;-)
Yes, that is me and my good nursing friend studying on the beach
(We can't get COMPLETELY away, there were 2 tests this week!)
Singing around the camp fire.
"Lift my hands and spin around!
See the light that I have found!"

My sisters...love them so much!
Don't give up Kari, you're doing a wonderful job and will make it through!