July began with me saying goodbye to the job I've loved for the past 3 years. Working with special needs kids is still a passion of mine and I can't even begin to describe how hard it was to walk out of that school on my last day...

But new things were on the horizon as I started my first "real job"! I started working as a pediatric critical care nurse. This was not AT ALL where I saw myself working when I first started nursing school, but it ended up being the place I really love and have really found it to be the place that I "fit".

The month continued with my roomie's bridal shower! As maid of honor, it was my job to record the gifts and help keep her organized. The first of many really "weddingy" things we got to do together!
August brought one of the biggest changes of all as I moved out from my parents house into my new apartment with my good friend and now roomie.
Working as a brand new nurse plowed on as I continued to train on my floor as well as go through the many MANY classes required to start a nursing career.
Now that nursing school had officially ended for me and my two "nursing besties" we kicked off September celebrating in style by trashing our nursing school scrubs mudding on 4-wheelers.
We continued working through our classes and training at the hospital throughout October, but not without taking some fun breaks, like helping out at my neighborhood's halloween party for the kids, and creating some fun costumes, of course!
So much fun mid November, seeing cousins and family for Thanksgiving! The whole crew from my daddy's side reunited here with us where we had a slightly untraditional, but super special holiday.
December, as always, brought one of my favorite seasons! I love love LOVE Christmas decorations, cookies, shopping for the perfect gift for everyone, and spending time with my family all together! Even more, however, do I love the reason behind the season....

Celebrating the Day that HE was born to die is such an emotional, sweet, and heart-breaking time for me. The sacrifice of sending a son here for the purpose of a brutal death is breath taking.
I spent this year, as always, with my family, cherishing the time together, and the One who enables it all...
What this next year will bring, I cannot begin to guess. So many dreams, opportunities, and possibilities hover on the horizon. I can only ask that it be filled with His guidance and love and that I would have the courage and humility to follow as I'm lead.
Happy 2011! May it be filled with all the blssings of last year and the hope of all that is to come :-)
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