I tell people, each time, that it is really hard for me to choose because they've all been so different. "but if you had to pick...?" they press.... Each of my trips have been so different, with such different trials, challenges, joys, successes, picking a favorite... impossible.
I usually end up picking the one I have been to the most or the longest, just out of familiarity and comfort with the culture and language. But I don't know that you could accurately call that my favorite... But then, the other day, my good friend, L, asked me about my previous trips in a different way. One with a longer answer, but one that I loved!
"Do you feel like you learned something different from each trip?"
Yes!! I loved that she asked that and I loved thinking about and answering it. Thinking back, there has always been at least one (often several) BIG thing I've learned on each trip. So, As I prepare for the next, I thank my friend, L, for causing me to reflect on these important, thrilling, and memorable times in my life.

Brazil 1- teamwork, opening eyes to the rest of the world
Brazil 2- Leadership
Canada- teaching, serving my teammates
Kenya- Overcoming fears, growing up
Senegal 1- spiritual warfare, loving across language and cultural barriers
Senegal 2- Relying on Him alone, building relationships
Zimbabwe- serving, embracing unexpected opportunities
Malawi- His provision... and more to come...
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