It was very encouraging to be around like-hearted people all week, share more about Senegal with several classes, hear about what He is doing all over the world, and just see our meeting focused, even more than normal, on one of my heart's passion. I've gotta say, it's one of my favorite weeks of the year :-)

We also had lunches together and opportunities to share about our work at several fellowships.

Earlier this week, I made Ceeb Jen for my family, which is an African dish that we had for lunch just about every day this summer. It's basically rice steamed with tomato and pepper sauce, as is the fish and veggies you see in the middle. It's very unique tasting and VERY good! In Senegal, we ate it with our hands, but my brothers and daddy (who all did try it last summer, i must give them some credit) decided to take on the african tradition where men eat with spoons, but Momma and I chowed down African style! The dinner with my family made me both very happy to be home with them again, and very sad that I'm not with my African family in Senegal, but thus is life, and I'm now looking toward the future, which will seem to hold all kinds of interesting days with nursing school starting next week, and who know what adventures after that!

Global Conference: Hard work and love!
ReplyDeleteAfrican Meal: interesting to say the least cause I wonder what that is in the middle??
Photo of Mother and Daughter sharing a special time: Priceless :-)