It's always hard coming home after a trip. Don't get me wrong, It's great seeing family, friends, and enjoying American things like widely spoken English, Taco Bell, and the always under appreciated AC and toilet ;-), but people, including myself, always seem to feel like they are, in some way, leaving behind what He is doing overseas. I had been thinking about this as I got back into my routine and started school when I went for a run and listened to one of the "Passion" podcasts. They were in Asia, talking about their time in the Philippines and Malaysia. As the main speaker talked about how their current location was a gathering point for followers of restricted countries and heard the followers from other nations shouting from the audience to make their voices heard, it hit me; I hadn't left any of His work behind, I had just changed job sites for a while. Just as these national followers from all over Asia were stepping up to make their voices heard in their nations, this is where He has me now, and it is simply arrogant of me or anyone else to think that them leaving the field will have detrimental effects on His work. He is building up His people to reach their countries in a way any foreigners on a trip never could. Again, don't misunderstand, I'm still excited that, one day, He may place me overseas on a longer-term basis; It's still plain and simple to me, the distribution of followers around the world is still drastically unbalanced, but it is, once again, refreshing to know He doesn't need me and, at the same time, amazing to find that He wants me. :-)
In the mean time, I've officially started the nursing program at my school. It's been a slightly overwhelming first week and a half, but I'm falling into the routine. We've started clinicals working with the community downtown twice a week, as well as two days of classes, and a day of labs which means lots of time spent in scrubs and studying!

Our clinical group riding the city bus to our clinical site to better understand our clients' difficulties in accessing health care

Our group is called "little Egypt" thus... the "little Egyptians"
You are awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's cool you and Lindsay are in it together!!! miss you girls!
Love you!