So, with that background in mind...I got new sunglasses the other day! My old ones were cracked, (presumably from the most recent travel across the ocean judging from how crazy my suitcase looked upon my return to the states and the fact that I found them, not in the shoe I put them in for "safe keeping" but in a broken" fanta cocktai"l (african cola) bottle that I have no recollection of packing especially because I don't even like the drink). I admit, they are kinda on the big side, a fad I swore I'd never give into, but, in my opinion, all sunglasses look strange on me anyway, so I just go with whatever's on sale. And, I really like them. They keep the wind out of my eyes since my windows are always down, also they keep the hair out of my eyes which used to find their way in through the gaps in the side. And they, of course, keep the sun out of my eyes which not only prevents wrinkles from squinting ;-) but prevents vision problems that actually do occur from the sun in the eyes of fair skinned people(hello! me!) (both are true! in case you don't wear sunglasses) So, I love them! They meet all the purposes I bought them for, right?
However, I do have a problem....remember I mentioned the switching lanes often thing? well, I noticed the other day that they seem to create a "blind spot" when I turn to check my actual "blind spot" when changing lanes, so I end up having to take them off to change lanes, which is pretty darn often. *sigh...
So why am I telling you about my sunglasses problems? Because I find it being pretty representative of my life these days. I love nursing school so far. I enjoy what I'm doing and am happy to be learning things that I'll actually be using in life. I'm having a great time with my sorority this year, this week is rush week and I'm loving meeting all the new girls. I've even started working with a high school organization leading a group of students interested in traveling, which I, not surprisingly, am super excited about! But, like my new sunglasses, haha, one thing seems to be slacking in my new schedule.
Only one thing though, I mean, I've got all these other great things I love about it...is it really a big deal? Well, is it really a big deal if I can't see who's coming up behind me while I change lanes? If you plan on riding with me any time soon you'd better shout: YES!! If I can't see them, I'll smack into them, ripping off my mirror, damaging their cars, and quite likely hurting myself or other people...duh. This one thing in my life is a big deal...the biggest; with such a hectic schedule of things I love and are great to do, I've been slacking on time spent in The Book, speaking, and just talking with Him.
Having a life that's 95% good things you like to do is still 100% wrong if you're missing the one thing that holds that 95% together.
So, will I get new sunglasses? Probably not, I'll just have to turn more than I normally do to check my blind spot and lift my glasses every now and then. Will I fix the thing slacking in my life? You bet, or it's not a life at all.
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