If you're anything like me, you can almost feel your blood begin to boil at first sight of this screen. Well, this morning, guess what popped up?You guessed it! I had wonderful plans of checking mail, sending facebook messages, checking on my online classes, writing e-mails, and reading articles for school on my day off. But, no, a couple hours worth of plans halted with the appearance of one dreadful screen.
It surprised me, as I thought about it, how, not upset, but, well, perturbed I quickly became when my access to the Internet was denied. Long summers in West Africa had, I thought, conditioned me to live with things like this. Finding that the Internet (or power for that matter) was down at the Internet cafe was really not a big deal after a few months overseas. And I even had undergone the 20 min walk in the 100 degree weather to get to there, and it was usually my once weekly trip that had been so suddenly canceled. We shrugged it off, and started the walk back, planning a stop at the fruit stand on the way. Now, how easily that ominous screen can throw off a days plan, school work, businesses, and your good mood while it's at it.
Well, today, my plans were changed, and, you know what? It was a good day! I caught up on some (no where near all mind you) reading for school, cleaned my room (which, believe it or not, is very relaxing for me once I finally get down to it), dug out some clothes/stuff I don't need anymore for charity, washed my dog, spent some awesome time with God! (which would have happened anyway, but I do believe it was a bit longer, seeing as I had nothing to get to after it), and had a very lovely lunch out on the porch.
Obviously, my Internet is back now, and I'm still in need of getting a few things done, but, with a slightly refreshed perspective. So, next time your Internet goes down, think about what God may be giving you a chance to do instead of cyber-spacing it up. Unless of course you have a paper due in 7 hours, then book it to campus, and try not to let your rage cause any speeding on the way ;-)
I love it! You are amazing!