- The hardest semester of nursing school for me means: more time studying, more time reading in preparation to be able to understand what's said in class, more time in clinical (in hospitals now!), more driving to get to the hospitals downtown, new classmates in clinicals
- A new workout schedule! Tuesdays: kickboxing Wednesdays: washboard abs Thursdays: spinning Saturdays: recovering with sore muscles!
New sorority girls! My sorority is rushing again in a week, which means a whole new set of girls! I hope we're prepared, we're up to 60, halfway through our second year and last rush we ended up doubling our numbers!!
- New journeys for friends:
My new friends left wed. for Mozambique! Speak for Todd, Tia, and baby Rya as they begin their new life in Africa.
The Ms I worked with in Senegal are back in the states. Kate and Tim returned from their two year work in West Africa right before Christmas. They are now in North Carolina as Tim attends school and Kate works. Ask for readjustment and jobs for them both and that He would guide their paths for the future.
D & T, who went with me to Africa the first time, remain in Zimbabwe amongst political and economic difficulties. Ask for their health, safety, and work as they make advances among the troubled, disheartened, and often hungry people.
Two good friends of mine are in the process of asking about returning to Senegal for a semester, getting to work among the people I know and love. How great it would be for them to be able to continue work among my family and friends!! Ask for their decisions.
- New directions for Big Brother. He has graduated and is almost a certified paramedic (He'll take the final certification test, and I'm sure do amazing, in the next few weeks.) He'll
be able soon to start working as a paramedic instead of an EMT (there's plenty of differences, but basically, paramedics can give drugs and EMTs can't) at his job. He's also taking some classes at the community college "just in case" as he's deciding if he wants to take advantage of the "paramedic to registered nurse program" or not. (not that he would really want to get off the streets to be a nurse; it may open more doors for his career in the future)
Hey Kari! I am glad you are doing so great! We will be praying for you during this semester but I am sure you will do great!