And it's a good thing I finally have some. Two of my very good friends are recently engaged, which means...bridesmaid dresses to pick out! And with one wedding sneaking up on us in December, we spent the day out trying on wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses and having measurements taken :-)
Sometimes I can hardly believe I've only known these two for about a year! They are my nursing school "besties" and they've helped me through so much! I don't know what I'd do without them! They're both getting ready to get married!!
Not the best picture (I may or may not (but most likely may) be getting a new camera for my upcoming birthday, so you only have to put up with blurry pictures for a little while longer ;-) but this is one of the bridesmaid dresses. The only difference is it will be light green and not 3 sizes too big and held up with giant clips ;-)
She's not certain (she's still got some time to look) but the other one really likes these (the color I'm wearing is the one she would use in the wedding)
Also, I bought a "hiking backpack"!! This can be used for lots of things, but the first intended use is for camping in Zimbabwe this summer! It's 2300 cubic units, which means big enough for me to pack for about a week in, but not big enough to need a frame. Small enough to carry on an airplane, with optional waste and sternum straps for heavy loads. It was originally around $140, but after lots of searching, I got it for about $35 on sale from an outlet store! As you can probably tell, I'm very happy with it :-)
And birthday is very soon, and I will be.....skydiving!! That's I crazy? We'll see...It's scheduled for this coming Saturday, so check back soon for pictures and a story!!
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