5. He's willing to be crazy with me. Whether it's taking a stupid picture, dancing in the middle of Epcot's Morocco, skiing down a mountain slope that is way too advanced for us, climbing a waterfall right next to the "for your safety, do not climb" sign, or jumping out of an airplane, he is not confined to the "normal" way of thinking, just like me!
4. He can look closer and see the little things better than anyone else I know. A flower just about to bloom, a tide pool teaming with almost microscopic life, a thunderstorm just rolling in, the tiny parts of a car/radio/computer/etc. that make it run, a hawk swooping down in a field to catch a snake, he knows how and where to look for the amazing little things that I never would have noticed without him there to teach me how to see them.
3. He dose nothing "half-way". He is and has always been the kind of example that me and my brothers can look at to see how to do our best. Even something that is hard or way beyond what we think we can do, he not only encourages us to, but also shows us how to put our all into whatever we do. "Just enough to scoot by" is not how HE lived, and is not how we should either.
2. He is a leader and a protector. Always doing his best to lead our family in an honorable way, he looks out for our family and guards it as he would a precious jewel.
1. My Master and his Master are the same. Need I say more? He is honorable, trustworthy, respectable, and loving because of the One from whom all those attributes stem from. He would not be the father he is without HIM, and recognizing and clinging to that is what makes my daddy stand miles above others in my eyes.

Happy Fathers day, Daddy! I love you!
I took all those pictures.