I went to Africa with that thought; the little one I think everyone has before they go; that I would change it. And then there is the one that everyone who’s been has put in my head; that it would change me. Well, I think I did, a little, and it did, a little. But a lot is still the same. A lot of Africa hasn’t changed. It’s still harder and simpler, confusing and scary, beautiful and broken. A lot of me hasn’t changed. I’m still complicated and searching, confused and scared, unworthy and loved. And that’s exactly the point. I’m not looking for something I can change. I’m not reliant on something to change me. I’m simply looking for, relying on someone to serve.But still, I did change it… a little. Someone is a little less confused and scared and feels a little more unworthy; a little more loved. And it did change me… a little. I’m a little simpler, searching a little harder. And, thank goodness; I’m a little more broken.
As my next trip to Africa approaches very quickly, I've looked back on some of the things I wrote/learned after my previous trips. I wrote this the day after I got back from my very first trip. It was true then and it continues to be true after each and every return trip I've made...and I hope and pray that it remains true every time...
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you and the opportunity God has given you to return to Africa! I know your heart is very much a part of Africa and I can't help but pray for you and the lives you will touch being there. You are an inspiration and an amazing woman of God. He is using you to further his kingdom and I'm so blessed to be able to watch you grow and learn from your trips. Thank you for sharing the things you learn and see! I can't wait to hear about the next trip! I love you lots sister!
Lamb Love,
Brooke = )