I leave, exactly 8 1/2 hours from when I'm writing this, for Zimbabwe. It may be my 4th trip to Africa, but...the "night before" always feels the same...as if I'm about to embark on a great adventure! And yet, it doesn't quite feel real...I'm going where? It'll sink in about 2 or 3 plane rides in...
I spent today packing, which was a huge mess, but I got it done, and with just a few lbs to spare!! lol
Please ask for safe travel over the next 36 hours, and His guidance on how to best serve once I arrive.
I will do my best to update y'all here often, so check back!
"Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told."
I'm so excited for you!!! Cannot wait to hear how God is using you in Zimbabwe. Hard to believe another trip is here already. I'll miss seeing your smiling face at work but know that I am praying for you and will see you upon your return! Really sad I won't be able to be at the airport to see you return but I'll be there in spirit. Love you always! = )