As you know, last weekend was little Brother's birthday.
We went to the parks to celebrate
We went to the parks to celebrate

For the record, I beat him at the alien shooting ride/game ;-)

On a completely unrelated note...
Last week, while working in after school care at work, I left the room for a little bit. I came back to find my phone sitting innocently on the ground in the middle of the room...
...But I left it on the counter...
It seemed fine, and I thought nothing of it, until later, that night a dinner, I was trying to show someone a picture I had taken earlier. There, I found these:

And about 7 more just like them
If you recall, I work at a special needs school. For kids with severe motor disabilities (i.e. they can't walk and most can't even crawl) So, far from being mad at them for stealing my phone, I am quite proud of them for figuring out how to get up to the counter to get the phone, how to get to the camera, how to take and save such cute pictures, and do all of this without the other assistant seeing! I am also happy to have these pictures of my cute kids!
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