May 7, 2010 - I graduate!!!

It seems almost strange...the idea of NOT being in school when, for the past twenty something years, that has been basically all I've known. Think about it...everything you do is working up to the next level of education, and then the next, and then the next, and then...well, you get the idea. And, while I'm not ruling out ever going back to school, for now at least, It's finally over.
Part of me could almost scream with the anticipation, the excitement, the thrill of a new horizon, and yet, part of me realizes the sadness of saying "goodbye" to the life and culture of a student that I have always known. The late nights studying with friends, walking on campus through the heat, the cold, (but mostly) the rain, clinicals where, since I'm "just a student" I can pretty much just go around looking for the exciting new things with no real responsibility, my friends, my sorority, my part-time job, my schedule; all are about to be a sweet memory.
So, will I miss it? YEAH! But am I excited for what the future holds? can't deny it ;-)
So, where to next? Umm....can I take a pass on this one?
Maybe you can relate; you pick your major and, as you're going through school, you think, "wow, I could do anything with this!!" but then, the time comes to graduate and suddenly you're thinking, "oh...I could do anything with this...". So now, comes a lot of applying, a lot of looking around, a lot of soul searching, and A LOT of talking with HIM!
So, I can't answer the question, "what's next?", just yet, but I can give you some thoughts...
Priority number one: get some nursing experience! I've got a few "logs on the fire" for this one. I love pediatrics! For those who know me well, you may think "really? you...with kids?" and those who know me not quite as well may think "of course, you're a girl and you're (almost) a must want to be a peds nurse!". Well, the truth is, I never thought, going into nursing school, that pediatrics is something that I would be interested in. In fact, it was one of the last things I thought I would want to. However, I've been doing my internship on a pediatric critical care floor and I've loved it! So, though I don't know for sure yet where I'll end up yet, it is certainly something I am considering.
Priority number two: figure out the time line

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